Sunday, November 8, 2009

11.08.09 LMoyer

Waiting for Annaliese I observed the silo, and thought I'd try to draw it from memory.
Not great, but a fine exercise to try again I think....


  1. cool! Thanks for posting. Looks like we are slowin' down a bit with the posts. This can't happen! I'm going to try (again) to keep up with the scans. Lot's of drawings to scan from last week. I'll try and get them up tomorrow...

  2. I've got some (crappy) sketches from the WFC trip too. But I've got 100 pages due by year's end, and that's an ugly wall of no-sketching. I'll keep fighting though...

  3. I think that this is a great exercise. Nothing like sharpening your visual memory.

  4. What visual memory?
    If there's one thing this exercise teaches me, is that I have very little. Best build some up I think....
